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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/07 01:03:50
The panda is the main points of two kinds: sichuan panda (distributed in sichuan and gansu area panda species and distribution in qinling pandas (shaanxi qinling area)
Two subspecies in shape has already formed the obvious difference, by contrast, sichuan subspecies skull head big teeth small, small head teeth qinling subspecies, sichuan subspecies head length approximate bear, qinling subspecies head round more like the cat.In addition, both the pelage differences are also very outstanding, sichuan subspecies chest for deep black, abdomen is white and lower abdominal maojian tea black, white MAO gan ceaselessly, Qinling subspecies chest for dark brown, abdomen is brown, lower abdominal maojian tea brown, white MAO gan ceaselessly.
In nature, once found many with two or more forms of the same species, in the same habitat common perched phenomenon, science called species to two states phenomenon or polymorphism, also called two form sex or pleomorphism. For giant pandas to, not only now people in the field and in the zoo will see in the pandas for black and white body color, in our numerous ancient books and books described in the giant panda, colors are "black-and-white barge", the world's natural history museum has a collection of 600-700 pandas specimens, and various scientific papers and other texts mention on the giant pandas' coats are black and white. So do you have other colors pandas? In 1985, mar 26 in shaanxi qinling foping natural protection zones of elevation is about 1200 m a river valley, found only 1 critically ill pandas, body extremely weak, later after reserve of staff and all aspects of the effort to rescue, converting and recover after foster in xian zoo and named it "Daniel," at age 13, weight more than 60 kilograms. Unusually, Danny fur is black and white, but the brown and white. This is the world body hair is brown scientific first discovered the pandas, then in 1990 and in 1991, in foping nature reserve of bamboo forest and 2 times respectively observed brown pandas 1 only adult and 1 only cubs. According to live in qinling of an old hunter said he once back in 1954 is seen in the field with a coat of the same Daniel pandas. In addition, the others had also seen in the wild giant panda, 1 only brown adult and 1 only cubs. So, in the qinling probably always exist with two different colours of giant pandas, but brown pandas and is not an independent populations. Brown hair that scientists are many animals a primitive traits of performance, so in the qinling found body color is brown and white panda is probably a atavism.From April 1986, giant pandas Daniel estrus, respectively by using during freezing semen on artificial insemination and raised in foping nature reserve of male beast "curved" mating methods to make pregnancy, and in the same year on September 13 nissan under two young, but could not survive. In April 1989 and Danny again, again with curved estrus, mating, conception that after August 31 nissan under 1 female cub, after careful nursing, luckily survive, but growth compare logy, named it "qin qin". However, Daniel produce a cub's coat are black and white alternate with, and without any brown. At present, scientists to this kind of phenomenon there are some conjecture: the first kind think brown pandas appear may be due to the effect of trace elements synthesized hair pigment in the qinling area of soil and water content of abnormal, thus affecting its hair of melanin synthesis. But if it is for this reason that the area of the produce of the giant panda population seems to should have from black to brown colour changes of various tracheid, but so far has not yet found such intermediary type; The second think brown hair is due to genetic mutation caused, but because the genetic mutation in nature and the influence of the phenomenon to appear the probability of colour is very low, The third kind think this is a kind of recessive gene homozygous results, assuming that the color of one gene for the body hair to control, the control brown hair gene is recessive. Only when both parents are carrying the gene, they parent generation possible recessive gene homozygous, thus grow a brown hair. The third kind of explanation although seems more satisfactory, but because people have the relevant information is little, so to uncover brown pandas riddle remains to further research.熊猫中主要分两种:四川大熊猫(分布在四川和甘肃一带的大熊猫种群)和秦岭大熊猫(分布在陕西秦岭一带)