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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:32:03
A: 打扰一下,我可以和你们讨论读文学的重要性这个问题吗?你们愿意和我谈论吗! B: 当然!我认为这是一个值得讨论的话题。我比较喜欢文学,文学不该是被丢弃的事物,它可以拓宽我们的视野、丰富我们的经历。 C.就我个人而言。我不喜欢读文学,感到读文学非常无聊。我阅读小说,看娱乐新闻。 D. C,我赞同你的观点,我也不喜欢文学。但我的兴趣和你的不同,我喜欢看关于爱情、青春电影和电视剧。 A:我不这样想。我认为读文学我们可以从读文学获得许多知识。让我们在宽知识面中受益,例如提高词汇、发展新的观点。 C. 我坚持我的观点,读文学只会浪费许多宝贵的时间,此外读文学也对生活没有什么大的帮助,文学所述不适合当今社会。 B.读文学可以帮助我们了解每一天的生活和书中所描述的历史事件。它是不同于我们这个时代的。 D. 听了你们的观点,给了我很大的帮助。我觉得我的观点过于片面。我觉得你们说的都有道理,凡事有利有弊,我该反思自己的想法。 A. 技多不压身(条条大路通罗马)。D,我赞同你的观点,我们应该根据自己的兴趣爱好来选择自己想做的事,兴趣是最好的老师。
解题思路: 解答如下
A: Excuse me, Can I discuss a problem about the importance of reading literatures with you? Are you willing to talk about it with me? B:Of course! I think this is a worthwhile subject. I love literature, literature should not be discarded things, it can broaden our horizons, enrich our experience. C. In my opinion, I don't like reading literature, and I feel very boring to read literature. But I love read the novel, watch entertainment news. D.C, I agree with you, I alsodon't love literature. But my interests are different from yours, I like to read about love, youth movies and TV dramas. A: I don't think so. I think we can get a lot of knowledge from reading literature. Let us benefit in a wide knowledge, such as vocabulary, the development of new ideas. C:I stick to my opinion, reading literature would be a waste of valuable time, in addition to read literature also has no big help for life.What literature talk about is not suitable for today's society. B. read literature can help us understand the every day life and described historical events in the book . It is different from our times. D. listened to your views can give me a lot of helps. I think my view is too one-sided. I think you said all right, everything has both advantages and disadvantages., I should reflect on their own ideas. A. technology is no burden (all roads lead to Rome). D, I agree with your points of view, we should choose what we want to do according to our own interests.Interest is the best teacher!