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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 08:35:28
1.The commission contends that Luxembourg permitted Amazon to misallocate gains within its corporate structure,in a way that fell short of standards expected of an arms-length transaction between corporate subsidiaries,the FT said.
2.The amount the company reports through a tax-exempt vehicle in Europe has dropped sharply in the past two years,even as European sales jumped,after the U.S.tax authority tightened rules it felt were being abused to shift profits.
1.The commission contends that Luxembourg permitted Amazon to misallocate gains within its corporate structure,in a way that fell short of standards expected of an arms-length transaction between corporate subsidiaries,the FT said.
这票的主干是 THE FT SAID(金融时报说),说什么呢,说"The commission contends."说委员会声称...声称了什么呢?声称"卢森堡"允许"亚马逊公司"卢森堡允许亚马逊企业内部不当地分配利润,违反企业之间公平交易标准
2.The amount the company reports through a tax-exempt vehicle in Europe has dropped sharply in the past two years,even as European sales jumped,after the U.S.tax authority tightened rules it felt were being abused to shift profits.
再问: 谢谢谢谢,关于第一个句子我完全明白了。关于第二个句子,请原谅我还有几个问题,还想再请教您一下:amount究竟是当什么讲,是谁的amount?vehicle什么意思?rules it felt中的it是不是指US tax authority?最后一句话(after之后的)是修饰谁的?the amount和the company之间是什么关系?为什么没有连接词?
VEHICLE是方式的意思, 凭借这种"方式"after the U.S. tax authority tightened rules it felt were being abused to shift profits. 在美国税收收紧后.....了解这句话前你需要知道亚马逊是美国的公司, 所以这句话在前后语境中的意思是, 你在欧洲销售额猛涨, 但缴税却下滑, 尤其是在你自己国家美国对税收要求严格的情况下.....让人不免怀疑你有转移利润的嫌疑..把利润转移到欧洲然后你的税收却降低AFER.........RULES, 这句语你仅他把看成一个状语就好, 来修饰为什么让人怀疑利润转移.THE AMOUNT是THE COMPANY的AMOUN T, 这只是个定语修饰,不需要连接词, 打个比方, THE MAN I HATE IS JACKY, 我恨的那个人是JACKY. I HATE是来修饰THE MAN, 而THE COMPANY REPORTS是来修饰THE AMOUNT.