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英语提问双重所有格of前面所修饰的名词是不确指的名词,前面不加the、this等次.所以:eg:a latest wor

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 07:54:53
所以:eg:a latest work of my father's
就不能说the latest work of my father's对吧?
一 ’S → 多用于有生命的东西
(1)单数名词末尾直接加 ’S
Tom’s father the boy ’s bag
the teachers’ books
(3)如果不规则的名词复数形式后面要加 ’S
the children’s toys
(4)以S结尾的单数人名后面,既可只打“,” 不加S;也可打“,”加“S”
charles’ job / charles’s job
Tom and Jack’s bedroom
Tom’s and Jack’s bedrooms .
at the doctor’s ( clinic ) at Mr Green’s ( house )
(7)名词或名词词组后有同位语时,’S 加在同位语后面
his friend ,Tom’s car
my teacher ,Mr.Smith ‘ s car
(8)合成名词的所有格,在末尾加 ’S
his son-in-law’s photos
a day’s work China’s industry
the moon’s rays ten dollars’ value
the city’s parks three miles’ distance
二 of 短语构成的所有格 → 多用于没有生命的东西
different parts of the country
the door of the room
the key to the door (room )
the answer to the question
the monument to the People Heroes
the way to the Post Office (the way home )
the world of the young
◆名词较长 the story of Edgar Alan Poe .
◆名词前修饰语较长 the very long and beautiful tail of the old black cat
三 of + ’s → 双重所有格
a friend of my father’s
this bike of my brother’s .
two books of the boy’s
this clever girl of my uncle’s