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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 01:37:16
I had made all sorts of assumptions about John Lennon—that he was arrogant,disrespectful,antireligious,a rebellious hippie.But the man I met was none of those things.In fact,he was modest and self-effacing.Not like my idea of a rock star at all!I never did speak to John again.But I hope we helped him that summer.He certainly helped me.He reminded me of why I had come to Japan in the first place.To welcome people—not to judge them.And to grow in my understanding of the world.
我曾提出的各种有关的假设约翰蓝侬-他是傲慢,不敬,反,反叛的嬉皮.但该名男子是我遇到没有这些东西.事实上,他是温和的和自我effacing .不喜欢我的想法的摇滚明星,在所有!我从来没有发言,约翰.但我希望我们帮他那年夏天.他当然帮了我.他提醒我,所以我来日本摆在首位.欢迎人未来判断他们.和成长,在我所理解的世界.