作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 02:23:52
1、上周日,我看了一个中国艺术展览。 I saw_______________________________last Sunday. 2、颐和园是中国最大的公园。 The Summer Palace is _______________now. 3、这时一本有关长城历史的书。 This is a book about _____________. 4、我喜欢在百货商场买衣服。 ____________________in the department store. 5、在北京参观时你看京剧了吗? _________________when you visited Beijing? 6、天坛在北京的南部。(the Temple of Heaven ,southern part) 7、周末,他们经常到餐馆打工。(work , restaurant , weekends) 8、昨天下午,我们一起打了两个小时的篮球。(basketball, two hours) 9、小时候,我和父母去过意大利。(parents, Italy , when ,child) 10、你最喜欢的体育运动是什么?(fanorite, sport , is ,What, your 11、我妹妹不会做仰卧起坐。can't ,sister , my ,sit -ups , do 12、你父亲通常几点钟上班?go to work ,usually ,your father , does, What time 13、我有时候七点钟起床。7 o'clock ,I , get up ,sometimes, at 14、丽萨正在读书。reading, Lisa ,is , a book
解题思路: 根据句意和语法进行分析。
I saw_ a Chinese artist show last Sunday.
The Summer Palace is the biggest park in China now.
This is a book about the Great Wall _.
___I like buying clothes___in the department store.
_Did you watch Beijing Opero when you visited Beijing?
6、天坛在北京的南部。(the Temple of Heaven ,southern part)
The Temple of Heaven is in the southern part of Beijing.
7、周末,他们经常到餐馆打工。(work , restaurant , weekends)
They often work in a restaurant on weekends.
8、昨天下午,我们一起打了两个小时的篮球。(basketball, two hours)
We played basketball for two hours together yesterday.
9、小时候,我和父母去过意大利。(parents, Italy , when ,child)
I with my parents went Italy when I was a child.
10、你最喜欢的体育运动是什么?(fanorite, sport , is ,What, your
What's your fanorite sport ?
11、我妹妹不会做仰卧起坐。can't ,sister , my ,sit -ups , do
My sister can't do sit -ups .
12、你父亲通常几点钟上班?go to work ,usually ,your father , does, What time
What time does your father usually go to work ?
13、我有时候七点钟起床。7 o'clock ,I , get up ,sometimes, at
I sometimes get up at 7 o'clock .
14、丽萨正在读书。reading, Lisa ,is , a book
Lisa is reading a book.
