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英语翻译How does Richard Epstein,advocate of muscular strict lia

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 21:54:27
How does Richard Epstein,advocate of muscular strict liability in tort law,fit in with Richard Epstein,opponent of muscular or (even healthy) land regulation law?How does the tort scholar fit with the takings scholar?[FN28] This question looks easy,because it looks like one could just say that property rights and rights to one's own body are being enforced by strict liability law and by strong,anti-regulatory takings law.Epstein is a Libertarian favoring strong property rights in both.A Nozickian framework would permit strong property rights (including rights to physical integrity) and should fit conformably with a strict liability system And a Nozickian should also be hesitant about the regulatory state,to say the least.Even if there is a lot to these explanations,it is important to see that an explanatory gap remains.The problem is that much of the debate over the Takings Clause can be depicted as a debate between formalists who hold a fairly stringent and narrow conception of what counts as a taking of property and pragmatists who believe that “takings” cover impairments of value and wealth even apart from property invasions narrowly conceived.Another way of putting this is that a ‘rules' crowd believes there must be an interference with exclusive possession if there is to be a taking,while a ‘standards' crowd does not,and is willing to take a de facto substantial diminution of value to go a long way to making a taking.Epstein's whole approach to clarity of rules and strict liability in tort,and his immersion in common law understanding of tort,suggests that he should be in the first group,but he is of course in the second,favoring a strong conception of regulatory takings.[FN29] That is a problem.
Part of the explanation,I believe,is that the contrast between formalist and pragmatist,above,presumes a conception of property rights commensurate with a constitutionally broad conception of police power and regulatory power,and that this begs the question.My own view is to accept the broader constitutional conception,but even if I did not,I would probably view what Epstein calls “takings” as violations of the 14th Amendment's Due Process Clause as applied to liberty,not as takings.I suppose Epstein also believes such a problem exists,but has no trouble seeing the liberty as built into the property right and therefore seeing regulatory takings as being like Loretto but segmented by use not by space.[FN30] The rejection of the constitutionality of this breadth of police power ultimately does rest on the strong libertarianism as a matter of political theory,understood as part of an interpretation of the Constitution.That is,Epstein's libertarianism in normative political theory is a part of what leads him to think the bundle of sticks in a property right includes rights against regulation.