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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 08:46:00
你在网络上读到一篇关于“九零后”的文章,引发了你对这个话题的思考,于是你打算以“Post-90's generation,a successful or an unsuccessful generatin?”为题,写一篇短文.谈谈你的看法,内容包括:〈一〉“九零后”的缺点(1),依赖性强,(2),自私,(3),贪图过舒适的生活等;〈二〉“九零后”的优点(1),渴望了解周围的世界,(2),思想独立,(3),有很多新观念等;〈三〉“九零后”该怎么样生活……(个人发挥).注意:1,必须包以上所有内容;2,为了使文章通顺完整,可以适当增加内容;3,词数:100左右.
It’s true that the post-90’s generation have some weaknesses.Some of them, for example, rely on their parents too much and tend to live comfortable lives.Some are even selfish and care little for others.
At the same time, the post-90’s generation desire to learn more about the world around them, and they are independent in thinking.They always keep up with modern science and technology and have many new ideas.
I think the post-90’s generation should carry forward their strong points and overcome the weaknesses, and try to tell the world that they are a hopeful generation.