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英语翻译Agricultural export earnings The risks of dependency on

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 20:40:33
Agricultural export earnings The risks of dependency on commodity exports
Many developing countries depend on exports of a small number of agricultural commodities,even a single commodity,for a large share of their export revenues.This concentration leaves such countries highly vulnerable to unfavourable market or climatic conditions.A drought or a drop in prices on the international markets can quickly drain their foreign exchange reserves,stifle their ability to pay for essential imports and plunge them into debt.
As many as 43 developing countries depend on a single commodity for more than 20 percent of their total revenues from merchandise exports.Most of these countries are in sub-Saharan Africa or Latin America and the Caribbean and depend on exports of sugar,coffee,cotton lint or bananas.Most suffer from widespread poverty.More than three-quarters of these 43 countries are classified as LDCs,where per capita GDP is less than US$900 per year.
Furthermore,recent data show that few of the countries concerned are reducing their commodity dependency.In 14 of the countries,dependency on a single agricultural commodity actually increased between 1986-88 and 1997-99,and only seven countries succeeded in reducing their reliance on a single commodity.Over the past 20 years,real prices for many of the commodities these countries depend upon have fluctuated widely and fallen significantly overall (see page 11).
Declines and fluctuations in export earnings have battered income,investment and employment in these countries and left many of them deeply in debt.The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have classified 42 countries as Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs).Thirty-seven of these rely on primary commodities for more than half of their merchandise export earnings.More than half the world's cocoa and more than a quarter of its coffee are produced in countries classified as HIPCs.
此外,最近的数据显示,一些有关国家减少其商品的依赖.在14个国家,依赖于一个单一的农业商品实际上增加了1986年至88年和97年至1999年之间,只有7个国家成功地减少了他们的依赖单一商品.在过去20年中,实际价格为许多商品取决于这些国家的波动广泛和全面大幅度下降(见第11页) .
下降和出口收入的波动有被殴打的收入,投资和就业,并在这些国家中许多人留下深刻的债务.国际货币基金( IMF )和世界银行已将42个国家为重债穷国(重债穷国) .有37个,这些依赖于初级商品的一半以上,他们的商品出口收入.世界上一半以上的可可和超过四分之一的咖啡生产的国家被列为重债穷国.