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SAT语法求解,neither candidate was inclined to avoid a verbal scu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 10:31:10
neither candidate was inclined to avoid a verbal scuffle (or to forgo) a little publicity.
想问括号里or 与neither neither 可单独用?
(uncertain how to peoceed with the scene,the actors stopped,awaiting for )further instructions from the director.
答案是(Because they were uncertain how to proceed with the scene the actors stopped and await for)
recent studies indicate that eating chocolate and other sweets (neither cause nor aggrate) acne.
(neither causes nor aggravates)
1 neither 并列的是后面的内容即candidate,而不是后面的动作.且neither可以单独使用不用nor
2 两者区别在于一个because 原句那种表达有两个缺陷,(1):uncertain how to peoceed with the scene 只能说明他们不确定XXX的状态是伴随后面的stopped 动作,而不能表明不确定XXX是actors stopped 的原因.(2)stopped 和await应该是两个并列的动作,在这里把await当做伴随状语不妥.
3 我不太懂你的意思,句子结构是分为主句是recent studies indicate ,后面是that引导的宾语从句,causes 和aggravates两个动作并列作为宾语从句的谓语,宾语从句的主语是eating chocolate这个动名词.句的意思是 近期的研究表明吃巧克力既不会引起粉刺也不会恶化已有的粉刺.