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汉译英 急请英语高手音韵美是通过汉语不同的声调搭配,形成高低韵律、抑扬顿挫、节奏分明的审美效果,使片名读起来朗朗上口,优

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 10:55:09
汉译英 急请英语高手
音韵美是通过汉语不同的声调搭配,形成高低韵律、抑扬顿挫、节奏分明的审美效果,使片名读起来朗朗上口,优美动听,既传达了情感意义,又增强了音乐美.如 Titanic的译名《泰坦尼克号》既保留了原片名的韵律节奏,又以其浓郁的异域特色吸引广大观众.又如:Outland 译为《天外天》(抑扬,押韵);Singing inthe River 译为《雨中曲》(押韵);Courage Under Fire译为《生死豪情》(抑扬)等体现了译名的音韵美.
Snow Dogs——《雪地狂奔》 Always——《天长地久》
Deep Blue Sea——《水深火热》 Being There——《身临其境》
电影片名的意境美是指片名通过词汇意义,使人产生丰富而美丽的联想,激起人们对于美的向往和追求.片名的意境美在电影Waterloo Bridge的译名《魂断蓝桥》中得到了完美体现.这部美国影片讲述了一对年轻人在战争中的爱情悲剧,片名中“断桥”之意和中国民间流传的蓝桥相会的传说有一种默契,从而使中国观众在最大限度上对这部外国影片所表达的悲剧色彩有了文化审美上的共鸣.再如:Madison County Bridge 《廊桥遗梦》;The Nets《网络情缘》,使人一看便联想起浪漫的爱情,也充分体现了电影的意境之美.
影片在市场上成功与否关键取决于它是否拥有广大的观众.因此,电影片名的翻译要力求达到通俗易懂,符合广大观众的审美需求.只有这样才能拉近影片与观众的距离,激发审美愉悦而产生观看欲望.如:Love at First Sight 《一见钟情》;Ghost《人鬼情未了》;Star Wars《星球大战》.这样的译名都容易为广大观众所理解,符合通俗美这一美学特征的要求.
Music by the United States and Chinese with different tones to form a level of rhythm,cadence,rhythm distinct aesthetic effect朗朗上口title read,beautiful sounds,not only to convey the emotional meaning of music the United States has also been strengthened.Translation of the Titanic,such as "Titanic" has retained the original title of the rhythm rhythm of the exotic with its rich features to attract a wide audience.Another example:Outland translated into "outer space" (circumflex,rhyme); Singing inthe River as "the rain song" (rhyme); Courage Under Fire as "pride of life and death" (circumflex) and so the music reflects the translation of the United States.
2.Sentence the United States.
English titles translated into Chinese,it is usually translated into four words.Four words concise,lively,smooth talk,the thrust of the information in the video message at the same time and fully meet the aesthetic psychology of Chinese people,朗朗上口read,easy to remember and spread of highly infectious rich.The four words of the translation method has been widely recognized and applied in practice.For example:
Snow Dogs - "Snow Run" Always - "ever"
Deep Blue Sea - "dire straits" Being There - "immersive"
3.Artistic Conception.
The mood of film titles for the United States is the significance of titles through the terminology,have a rich and beautiful people of the association,among people yearn for and the pursuit of beauty.Artistic Conception title Waterloo Bridge in the translation of the film "Waterloo Bridge" has been perfect.The American film about a young love during the war tragedy film in the "Broken Bridge" means and the spread of Chinese folk legend of the Blue Bridge meet there is a tacit understanding,so that the Chinese audience in the maximum of The expression of a foreign film with the tragedy of color on the aesthetic and cultural resonance.Another example:Madison County Bridge "The Bridges of Madison County"; The Nets "network of love",it will be a look reminiscent of romantic love,but also fully embodies the beauty of the film's mood.
4.Popular United States.
Film success in the market depends on whether it has a large audience.Therefore,the translation of film titles to be striving to achieve a user-friendly,in line with the aesthetic needs of the majority of the audience.The only way to narrow the distance between film and audience,to stimulate aesthetic pleasure and the desire to have a watch.Such as:Love at First Sight "love at first sight"; Ghost "Ghost"; Star Wars "Star Wars." This translation is easy to understand for the general audience,in line with the United States and the aesthetic characteristics of popular demands