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英语翻译Sociological researcher Glenn Firebaugh claims that it i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 14:21:40
Sociological researcher Glenn Firebaugh claims that it is not just a question of having or not having a lot of money.The key factor is whether or not you have a lot of money compared to those around you.People can be quite satisfied with their salaries,for example,until they find out that their peers make more.This pursuit to maintain equal or higher levels of income and purchasing habits as others around us(or keeping up with the Joneses,as the common expression goes)turns life into a never-ending competition.Says Firebaugh,Rather than promoting overall happiness,continued income growth could promote an ongoing consumption race where individuals consume more and more just to maintain a constant level of happiness.
社会学家Glenn Firebaugh(格伦.法尔博)的调研结果称,是否有钱并不是一个关键的问题.关键在于你是否比周围的人有钱.比如说,一些本来对自己的薪水相当满意的人,在发现他们的同龄人赚得比他们更多的时候就忿忿不平了.不断与周围的人攀比收入和消费习惯(就像一句俗语所形容的那样,永远不落在邻居后面)使我们的生活变成了一场永无止境的竞争.法尔博说,收入的持续增长所带来的并不是整体上更健康愉快的心态,而是不断地血拼,攀比消费,以此来获得持续的快感.