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英语演讲稿 250字 我现在初二 ,生单词数量适中,求大神帮忙!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 23:18:14
英语演讲稿 250字 我现在初二 ,生单词数量适中,求大神帮忙!
题目: an unforgettable()
关于什么的?Ladies and gentlementhank you from the bottom of my heart for giving the opportunity to make such a formal English speech.It’s my first time to stand on the stage in front of so many attendees.That will undoubtedly be my unforgettable experience.And what I am going to talk about today is Unforgettable Experience.Some people say,time flies.In fact,that is the case.In my memory,numbers of things have happened over the past 20 years.While,I would like to share the two most unforgettable things with you.Firstlet us look back to a accident at my age of 4 which occurred in my hometown.Because of low frequency of returning to my hometownI stayed unfamiliar with the transportation in the village road.One day,I happened to go across the road on my own.Suddenly,a medium size of truck strike into my sight and consequently knocked into me.Frankly speaking,when referring to the details of what had happened to me under the truckmy mind will go blank.Neverthelessit’s said that I had been hung under the truck for a long way.Finally what counted most was my survival.The second event should be my failure in the College Entrance Exam.Regardless of lacking hard study in the first four semestersI still kept myself one of the top students in our class.What was more,I had improved my attitude before the last semester came and progress had fellow it.As the saying goes,“life is full of uncertains”.On the day the result came out ,I felt that the sky is falling which had last for several days.Whereaswhen I occasionally wander in this campuswhen I just stand here to make a speech of my unforgettable experienceI will by no means treat myself a “lucky dog”.After these two eventsthere exist abundant reasons for me to hold the belief that my fate is full of luck and will forever be as long as I keep fight my way out with smile in my face.And that also told me courage.For me,having courage does not mean not to be afraid,but to have fear in my mind and just to do it meanwhile trying to make it.It just like I am standing here inevitably feeling a little nervous as well as holding faith in my heart.That is all.Thank you for your listening and creating my another unforgettable experience.I really appreciate it so much.还有一篇unforgettable event
Beijing Olympics memorable burning for 16 days in the Olympic torch on August 24 at the National Stadium "Bird's Nest" out slowly,but these athletes are wonderful stories and legends will always be remembered in my heart.
In this Olympics there are many figures I honor memorable.From 204 countries and regions,more than 10,000 athletes took part in the race,4.5 billion viewers watched the game,the Beijing Olympic Games ever to participate in most countries and regions in the next Olympic Games,the Olympic Games is also a history of the largest broadcast
Need to import up here in this session of the Beijing Olympic Games,there are so many wonderful moments I forget.Such as:smart meters over the bolt,get mad Phelps to swim eight gold,Liu Chunhong more weightlifting world record in the Olympic Games ......continue to set a new world record of 38,beyond the human self-expression,challenge the limits of dreams It is this dream,so many countries won the first gold medal since history,but also to rewrite their national gold medal.Translation of the text,up to 200 bytes
In this Olympic Games,there are many stories I will never forget.From a post-war Afghanistan to stand on the Beijing Olympic Games athletes,and others wearing different clothes and games,moved the whole audience.When the various countries and regions Raochang winners thanks to the audience,viewers have applaud them for refueling.All in all,people seem to see the "One World,One Dream" beyond the power of all,this is Beijing's glorious,but also Olympic glory.
Let us even more surprising is that:Chinese athletes to 51 gold medals and 100 medals at the outstanding results for the first time in the first gold medal standings,which is not only a result of the efforts of those athletes,volunteers or those over-the-counter services,the result of hard work,they To warm smile and attentive service to praise the people of the world,I really wanted them to the selfless dedication of those who have big say:"Thank you,you have worked hard!" This session of the Beijing Olympic Games is really exciting,and it will make my life Unforgettable.