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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:46:36
在2004年12月26日发生的印度洋海啸中,印度东南沿海地区遭受严重损失,共约有1.2万人遇难,5600多人失踪. 中国政府与人民感同身受,对受灾国人民遭受的巨大损失表示了深切的同情和慰问,进行了建国以来最大规模的对外救援行动.中国政府提供了总额为68763万元人民币的援助. 两年来,印度海啸区的重建工作稳步进行,目前,约6000栋永久性住房已经建成,2500艘新渔船也已经免费送给受灾严重的渔民. 注意:1.词数100左右、 2.短文必须包含短文的全部内容.要求短文观点明确,结构合理,紧凑连贯. 谢谢谢谢、拜托了昂.
In December 26, 2004 India Ocean tsunami in southeast coastal area of India, suffered serious losses, a total of about12000 people were killed, and 5600 others are missing. The Chinese government and people to empathize, to the affected people have suffered huge losses expressed deep sympathy and condolences, conducted since the founding of new China, the largest foreign rescue operations. The Chinese government has provided a total of 687630000yuan of assistance. Come two years, India tsunami zone reconstruction work steadily, at present, the approximately 6000permanent housing has been built,2500new boats also have free of charge to the hard-hit by fishermen.