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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 15:39:24
概率达人请入内观看 小弟感激不尽
suppose there are four families each with parents and son.they are to be seated in a row of 12 seats from left to right.how many different ways can they be seated,if each family is to be seated together.
就是说 4个家庭 每个家庭是3个人 父母和儿子.现在有12个座位 从左到右排列 如果他们全部是一家人一起 有多少个坐法!
再问: 求解释.......... 答案对了 但我不懂 为啥不是4P4这样选 先选4个家庭排列方法