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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 20:21:50
Should Yuanmingyuan Be Built? Yuanmingyuan, Garden of all gardens, was burnt down in 1860. Recently my classmates had a discussion about whether it should be rebuilt or not. Some of them strongly support the idea of rebuilding with various persuasive reasons. To reconstruct it, we can be thoroughly intoxicated in its vast magnificence as well as fully present the splendor of Chinese culture. And definitely, it will become an inviting landscape to attract an increasing number of visitors. Or even if we merely partly rebuild it, people who come here will still deeply remember the humiliation of the past when compared it to the ruins beside it. While others are still strongly against it, thinking it is fairly reasonable to leave it as what it was to warn every visitors not to forget the past. Besides, other cultural relics such as the Palace Museum and the Summer Palace have already fulfilled the task of illustrating Chinese culture, so it is not necessary to rebuild it. And taken the environment into consideration, the rebuilding project is really detrimental to the eco-system. 汉译应圆明园建? 圆明园的花园,花园,被烧毁1860.最近我的同学有一个讨论是否应该被重建或不. 一些人强烈支持这一想法的重建与各种有说服力的理由.重建它,我们可以完全陶醉在巨大的辉煌以及充分展现中国文化的辉煌.当然,这将成为一个诱人的景观吸引了越来越多的游客.甚至如果我们只是部分重建,来这里的人仍然会深深的记住了屈辱的过去相比,它的废墟旁. 而其他仍然强烈反对,认为这是相当合理的离开是警告游客不要忘记过去的一切.除此之外,其他文物,如故宫、颐和园已经完成了任务,体现中国文化,所以没有必要重建.把环境的考虑,重建工程真是不利的生态系统.