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英语翻译(A)The Flowbee was invented over twenty-five years ago.W

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 17:10:19
The Flowbee was invented over twenty-five years ago.What is it?It is a special machine that cuts hair.Was it invented by a barber?No!The Flowbee was made by an American man who built things with wood.
In 1987,Rick Hunt was working in his wood shop.A lot of wood was cut in the shop so little pieces of wood were everywhere.Pieces of wood were on the ground,on Hunt’s shirt,and in his hair.The shop had a big vacuum(真空吸尘器)for cleaning.Hunt used it to clean himself.The pieces of wood were easily sucked(吸)from his clothes and his hair.As Hunt’s hair was cleaned by the vacuum,he got an idea.“This would be a good way to cut hair,” He thought.
Some special parts were added to a common vacuum.In this way,the first Flowbees were built.These first Flowbees were sold out of Hunt’s home.Then,a fall festival was held near Hunt’s home.He took all of Flowbees there,and a lot of people bought them!Next,Hunt went on television with the Flowbee.More and More Flowbees were sold.
More than a million Flowbees were sold in America the next ten years.Today,this interesting machine is sold to people around the world.Hunt’s clever way to cut hair really works.Sometimes great ideas come from surprising places.
The earth is 4600 million years old.Modern man has lived on the earth for only 35000 years,but during this period we have changed our planet a lot in many ways.Some things we’ve done are very good for the earth while some are not good.
All over the world,people have cut down millions of trees.When it rains or when the wind blows,the earth is taken away.Forests have become desert,so more and more different sorts of animals and plants are disappearing.
In big cities,cars and buses have polluted(污染)the air.Many people in cities now have health problems.
Factories have also polluted the land and the water.As a result,many rivers and lakes are now dead.
Around the earth,there’s a special kind of oxygen called “ozone”(O3).It is important and helpful to the earth.But now air pollution is destroying it and that has made a very big hole in the ozone layer(臭氧层).Too much harmful radiation from the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth.This is very dangerous because this radiation can cause cancer.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air has increased a lot.It comes from burning oil,coal and wood.This has formed(形成)a “blanket” around the earth.The heat from the sun can’t escape so the temperature is rising.This is called “the greenhouse effect”(温室效应).It causes the level of the sea to rise and the climate of the earth to change.
1987年,Rick正在他的店里工作,许多木头被砍断,到处都是碎屑,地板上、Hunt的衬衣上、头发上.店里有个大吸尘器,Hunt用来清理自己身上的碎屑.衣服上和头发上的碎屑很容易被吸尘器吸走.Hunt的头发被清理的很干净,所以他有了个想法:这是个剪头发的好方法.他在普通的吸尘器上加了一些特殊的部件,于是第一个Flowbee就诞生了.第一批Flowbee在Hunt家被卖光了.然后Hunt家附近举行了一个秋天的节日,他把所有的Flowbee拿到了那儿,许多人都买了.接着Hunt带着Flowbee上了电视节目,越来越多的Flowbee被人买去.接下来的10年中Flowbee在美国的销售量超过了一百万件.今天 ,这个机器被销往全世界.Hunt剪头发的方式真的有效.有时,好主意来自令人惊奇的地方.