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高一 英语 3条选择题目 详解来

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 04:17:35
高一 英语 3条选择题目 详解来
1--- Anything I can do for you, Tom?
--- Yes, my wife is turning her back to me again.
--- You _____ your temper.
A. have always lost B. are always losing
C. always lost D. were always lost
2The doctor insisted she ( )in bed. But her smiling face suggested there ( )nothing serious.
A. stay; was B. stayed; was C. would stay; be D. stay; be
3The parents suggested they() in the hotel room but their kids were axious to camp out during the trip
Asleep Bwon't sleep Csleeping Dhaving slept
B ,用现在进行时,表示他老是控制不住自己的脾气.因为文中说到
insist作“坚持”说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气.很显然这是坚决主张她卧床休息,所以后面要用到虚拟,should 都哦,答案选项里省略了should;
suggest ,有两词性,情态动词时,表示建议,后面从句要用,should do ,表示虚拟;第二,是普通动词,表示暗示,正如题干意思,所以,不能用虚拟,选择was
3.A 是suggest的虚拟用法,同上第一点,很显然是父母建议他们………………