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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 21:59:49
     1. 上个星期天和朋友们游览了芜湖。
     2. 芜湖是长江边最美丽的城市之一,有许多名胜古迹。
     3. 今日的芜湖更加美丽,是一个既古老又年轻的城市。
     4. 游园, 泛舟, 爬山, 购物, 逛书店, 吃小吃等。
     5. 美好时刻, 另人难忘。
     提示词:赭山公园 Zheshan Park 鸠兹广场 Jiuai Square 步行街 the Walking Street
                   镜湖 the Mirror Lake
     Last Sunday, some friends and I traveled in Wuhu.
     Wuhu is one of the most beautiful cities near Changjiang River. There are many places of interests here.
Today, Wuhu is becoming more and more beautiful. It is a modern city with a long history.
     First, we went to Zheshan Park and climbed Zhenshan Hill there, then we went to Jiuzi Square and ate
famous snacks near the Walking Street, and we also went shopping in big shopping malls. After that, we
went to Xinhua Bookshop to buy some books. Finally, we went boating on the Mirror Lake. We all enjoyed