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what about...和how about .的区别

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 11:08:29
what about...和how about .的区别
例如:What about chopsticks?
How about a drangon kite?
1.what about 后面用跟名词的多,How about 后面跟动词现在分词多.如:What about this one?How about going for a walk?2.两者通用.在表达提出某种建议的意思「...怎麼样;...好吗?」时,"How about" 和 "What about" 是可以互换的.如"How/What about a drink?" (喝杯酒怎麼样?;喝杯酒好吗?)."Where should we go on vacation?" "How about Hawaii?" "What about Japan?" (「我们该去那里度假呢?」,「去夏威夷怎麼样?」,「去日本好吗?」).3.若是徵求意见或打听消息,你只能使用 "What about":"What about the university?" (强调 about 这个字) - 这是 "How about ." 无法表达的意思.4.表达对事物的惊讶:"How about those dogs?" - "What about " 则没有这项意思.5.如果你提供多项事物让人选择,那麼必须使用 "How about" :"Here are three jackets you might buy.How about the grey one?".