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【追加】有关【狼】的一些问题 英语!

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 10:12:02
【追加】有关【狼】的一些问题 英语!
事情是这样的 我跟一个老美 聊MSN 谈到了狼!于是我跟她说 狼是世界上最聪明的动物之一 中国北方的人(其实就是蒙古人拉 我不会用英语说 嘿嘿)把它奉为神.就是我前几年看了狼图腾~然后她对此很有兴趣 想问我详细的 可我英语水平有限~说不清
就请讲讲蒙古人怎么敬狼 信狼的就行,还有狼怎么聪明什么的都行 (大概就是浪图腾的内容)
不用字很多 就是聊天用的
Wolf Totem and China’s Cultural Trade Deficit
Howard W.French wrote about the Chinese novel 狼图腾,or “Wolf Totem” or “Wolf Spirit” alternately,in the New York Times:A Novel,by Someone,Takes China by Storm.The novel is about a Han Chinese youth and his experiences in nomadic Inner Mongolia.Apparently at some point he and his friends catch a wolf and keep it in a pit (which will be spun off into the film version which Peter Jackson,he of Lord of the Rings and King Kong,has bought the rights to),and he later witnesses the encroachment of Han society on the nomads.French interviews the author,a political scientist from Beijing who writes under the pseudonym Jiang Rong.His answers have interesting connotations for China’s relationship with Central Asia,it’s minorities and it’s own government:
“The answer lies in something shared between East and West,and that is the nomadic culture,” Mr.Jiang said,chain smoking in his austere living room,his face lighted sharply by the crisp rays of autumn light that filtered in from his garden.“The nomadism that people always talk about is full of killing and violence,but what it is really about is freedom.This wolf totem culture began earlier in Mongolia and is more sophisticated than anywhere else.”
According to Mr.Jiang,Chinese civilization is the product of two strains,nomadic and agricultural,and each has its symbols,the wolf and the dragon.For the author,the wolf is akin to the soul of the Mongolian grasslands,a worthy rival to man as well as a symbol of heaven itself.“You can look at the wolf and dragon as opposites,” he said.“The dragon represents autocratic emperors.The wolf means freedom,the mother of democracy,and China opposes freedom more than anything else.”
He said the gradual demise of China’s wolf heritage helps explain how the country was surpassed by the West.“As long as most people are lambs,the dragon has no problem,” he said in what seemed like a thinly veiled comment about China’s politics.“But the more wolves there are,the more interesting things become.”