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有关音乐的英语简介 关于音乐种类的简介,英文,写的好的有加分

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 13:39:04
打击乐 percussion
吹打乐 ensemble of wind and percussion instruments
吹奏乐;管乐 wind music / band music
合奏乐 part music
管弦乐 orchestral music
弦乐 stringed music
丝竹乐 sizhuyue,stringed and woodwind instruments
琴乐 keyboard music
军乐 martial music
室内乐 chamber music
器乐 instrumental music
声乐 vocal music
交响乐 symphony
古典音乐 classical music
流行音乐 pop music
摇滚乐 rock and roll / rock
民间音乐 folk music
民族音乐 ethnic music
民歌摇滚乐 folk rock
爵士乐 jazz
乡土爵士乐 funk
重金属音乐 heavy metal
蓝调;布鲁斯 blues
节奏与蓝调音乐 rhythm and blues (R & B)
灵魂音乐 soul Gospel music
摇摆乐 seing
爵士摇摆乐 boogie rock
爵士摇滚乐 rock jazz
迪斯科流行乐 disco
乡村音乐 country music
打击乐 rap
瑞格音乐 Reggae
新世纪音乐 New Age music
Classical music is the one that happened in European country such as Germany,France,Poland…before the world war second.It includes serenade ,symphony,piano music,concerto,violin music,quartet etc.
After the second world war,most of the music is "PoP'',including Jazz,Hip-hop,Rock and Roll,
R&B,Nature music,Rap,light music,etc.
Folk music is created by one people through many years .Polka,Mazurka are foreign country's folk music.Chinese zither music,Chinese flute music,
erhu fiddle music…are our country's folk music.