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英语翻译yeah,my work is interesting for me...but at the same it'

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 01:59:51
yeah,my work is interesting for me...but at the same it's very difficult...yeah,i'm rather serious and optimistic,so i seriously worked and now earning much money...it's enough for me to rent a flat,to pay for my university,go to restaurants and drive my car...so i have enough of them to do the main things...but money is not very important for me...they are boring...i've understood this when got plenty of them...my soul needs to be happy...i need smb near me...smt good...now,ok,well,honestly i'm happy having you even on a distance...because you're a nice girl...what does it mean outside areas?he do not live with you and don't love you?
Also my English does not understand the place will look up Machine.what does this sentense mean?
呃 .我的工作对我来说很有趣,但是也是比较难的,我也非常严肃非常乐观,我努力工作而且赚了很多钱,对我来说已经足够租房交学费吃饭以及养车了,所以做一些主要的事情我的钱已经足够了.但是钱对我来说不是非常重要的,甚至让我感到厌烦,在我拥有很多钱的同时我已经意识到这一点了,我需要丰富我的精神生活,我需要一些能在我身边的人和一些美好的事情.现在好了,说实话,我现在已经非常高兴了,因为认识了你,虽然我们相隔还很远,因为你是一个好女孩.他没有和你住一起而且不爱你了吗?
还有“my English does not understand the place will look up Machine”这句话是什么意思?