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英语翻译Henry W.Longfellow once wrote:"Great is the art of begin

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 01:30:56
Henry W.Longfellow once wrote:"Great is the art of beginning,but greater is the art of ending." How nice it would be if we all had a genie who could help us finish what we begin.Unfortunately,we don't.But what we do have is a dynamic caled discipline--which extracts a high price.Following one of Paderewski's performances,a fan said to him,"I'd give my life to play like that." The brilliant pianist relied,"I did."
亨利小朗费罗曾经写道:"伟大是艺术的开端,但更伟大的是艺术的结束" .说的多么好啊.如果我们都有一个精灵,他们可以帮助我们完成我们开始.不幸的是,我们没有.但是,我们做什么都是一个动态的.被称为纪律,其中摘录了高昂的代价.以下是帕德雷夫斯基的一次演出,一位粉丝对他说,"我愿意生活的像你的节目那样(精彩的表演)" .这位辉煌的钢琴家靠的是“我可以”
= = 你的单词有些也拼错勒额.像(caled).应该是(called)啊.】