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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 08:19:01
在一个本来应该很开心的日子里,Nick O'Bannon和朋友一起去看赛车.Nick突然有了一种很不祥的幻觉--几辆赛车将会相撞,燃烧的碎片将飞入看台杀死他的朋友,并导致上层看台坍塌,掉落的石块正好砸在他身上……从恶梦中惊醒之后,Nick惊慌失措地劝自己的女友Lori和朋友Janet、Hunt赶紧离开.Nick的可怕幻觉竟变成了现实,四人在千钧一发之际侥幸逃生.他们感觉自己欺骗了死神,决定珍惜生命,好好活下去.可是对Nick和Lori来说,不幸才刚刚开始.Nick对死亡的幻觉仍不断出现,而那次事件的幸存者一个接一个死去,死状极其恐怖.Nick必须抢在死神到来之前找出最后的自救之道.这是大受欢迎的经典恐怖电影《死神来了》的最新作品,也是该系列首个3D版本.借助3D立体眼镜,观众能欣赏到更为逼真的恐怖经历.
Final Destination 4 Plot Description:
Should have been in a very happy day,Nick O'Bannon and friends go to a car.Nick suddenly had a very ominous illusion - a few more cars will be a collision,the burning of debris will fly into the stands to kill his friend,and led to the collapse of the upper bleachers,just to drop rocks falling on him ......awakened from a nightmare,after,Nick panic in persuading his girlfriend Lori and friend Janet,Hunt hurry to leave.Nick's horrible illusion of actually become a reality,four escaped in the nick of time when.They feel cheated death,decided to cherish life and live well.However,Nick and Lori is right,unfortunately,has just begun.Nick illusion of death is still emerging,while the survivors of that incident,one by one died Sizhuang most horrible.Nick ahead of death must be identified before the arrival of the last option.This is a popular classic horror film "Final Destination" the latest work,it is the first 3D version of the series.With 3D stereo glasses,the audience can enjoy a more realistic horrors.