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英语翻译The point is this:without agreement on the rights of peo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 20:45:54
The point is this:without agreement on the rights of people,arguing about the rights of animals is fruitless.
(73)It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset:it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans,or with no consideration at all.This is a false choice.Better to start with another,more fundamental,question:is the way we treat animals a moral issue at all?
73 It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset:it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans,or with no consideration at all.
It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset:/ it invites you to think that animals should be treated / either with the consideration humans extend to other humans,or with no consideration at all第二、句子的结构是:
1)it invites you to think that...后面是宾语从句.
2) animals should be treated either with...,
or with...要么.要么.,是表示选择的方式状语.
3)the consideration 后面的humans extend to other humans 是定语.
leads ...to extremes 引向极端;
at the outset 从一开始;
invites you to think 使人们认为 ;
consideration 关切,体谅;
humans extend to other humans 人对待人
73)这种说法从一开始就将讨论引向两个极端,它使人们认为应这样对待动物:要么像 对人类自身一样关切体谅,要么完全冷漠无情.