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1.We work five days ____ week.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 08:37:03
1.We work five days ____ week.
A.a B.an C.the D./
2.There is ____book on the desk.it is ____interesting book.
A.a; a B.a; the C.a; an D.the; the
3.–Is there ____map of China on the wall?
A.a B.an C.the
4.–What can you see by the lake?
--I can see ____old man sitting on the chair.
A.a B.an C.the D.不慎
5.It takes us ____hour or more to go to my hometown by ____train.
A.an; a B.a; an C.an; 不填 D.a; 不填
6.–By the way,have you got ____E-mail address?
--Oh yes,it’s rggren @ hotmail.com.
A.the B.an C.a D.不填
二、 定冠词的用法
7.September is ____month of the year.
A.nine B.nineth C.the ninth D.the nineth
8.Did you enter for ____high jump or ____400-metre race?
A.a; a B.a; the C.the; a D.the; the
9.One morning he found a bag.There was ____“s” on the comer of ____bag.
A.a; a B.a; the C.an; a D.an; the
10.____apple on the table is Wei Fang’s.
A.An B.A C.不填 D.The
11.We can’t see ____sun at ____night.
A.a; 不填 B.a; the C.the; 不填 D.the; the
12.More college graduates would like to work in ____west part of our country ____next year.
A.the; the B.不填 ; 不填 C.不填 ; the D.the; 不填
1-6 ACABCA第六题我的答案与一楼不同,这里的rggren @ hotmail.com.是个特指的E-mail address,因此应该用定冠词the
第七题 C
第十二题 D next year是指从现在算起的第二年,它以现在为起点,而the next year是指从过去算起的第二年,它以过去的某个时间为起点