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英语翻译My favourite pop singer is Jolin Tsai.To be honest,shi i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:06:32
My favourite pop singer is Jolin Tsai.To be honest,shi is quite atractive.The first had I met her,I fell in love with her at once.Now she has the most wonderful famel singer in the world.At first,many people didn't think she was suitable for being a singer.But Jolin was determind to go on her job and work hard.In 2003,Jolin joined the SONYBMG music and released the new album which was Magic.To our great surprise,the alblm get a teriffic effect.In 2004,she released a more than great album Castle and in 2005 the album J Game also achieved a nice turnover.But in 2006 Jolin decided to joined the EMI Capitol music and released the album Dancing Diva which was a unbelivable one.Because it mix many new dancing music such Dancing Diva,A wonder in the Madrid and so no.In album MV Jolin start to challenge the difficult gymnasics.To our astonished,she has finished pommel horse in her 2006 Dancing Forever Word Tour Concert.This made all the stars and fans be proud of her who is the most best singer.In 2007,she also gave us a forgettable album Agent J.This time ,she filmed a music movie of Agent J which is connected with the music of this album.It was quite vivid.In 2008 to 2009,she goes on her concert and releaes the first English album Love Exercise.At the end of 2008,Jolin joined Wanner Music and becomed the first the first singer who make a signature ceremony at Water Cube .Now Jolin is prepares his 2009 new album,I think she will create another wonder again!
蔡依林是我最喜欢的流行歌手.坦率地讲,她相当迷人.第一次看到她的时候,我就立刻深深地爱上了她.现在她是世界上最迷人的女歌手之一.起初,很多人不认为她适合做歌手.但是,依林下定决心坚持自己的梦想,并为此勤奋工作.2003年,依林加入了索尼博德曼音乐公司,并发行了唱片《看我72变》.出乎很多人的意料,这张唱片产生了极好的反响.2004年的时候,她又发行了了一张更加出色的唱片《城堡》.2005年发行的唱片《J—game》也取得了很好的销量.但是在2006年的时候,依林决定加入EMI Capitol音乐公司,随后发行了一张令人难以置信的唱片《舞娘》.因为它混合了很多舞蹈音乐比如在《舞娘》,《马德里的奇迹》等唱片中都有体现.在唱片MV中依林开始去挑战更困难的体操.令我们惊喜的是,她在自己2006年的永远舞蹈世界巡回演唱会上完成了鞍马表演.她的表演让很多明星和歌迷都自豪地称她为世界上最好的歌手.在2007年的时候,她又给我们推出了一张令人难忘的唱片《特务J》.这一回,她出演了一部和这张唱片中的音乐有关的音乐电影《特务J》.这部电影相当生动.在2008——2009年的时候,她继续这自己的舞台生涯,并推出了自己的第一张英文唱片《爱的练习语》.在2008年岁末的时候,她加入了华纳音乐公司并成为第一个在水立方举行签约仪式的歌手.现在依林正在准备自己的2009新专辑,我相信她又将创造另一个奇迹!(PS:这篇英语短文中有些单词错误,要注意一下啊,不过不是很影响翻译的!我可是自己翻译的,如果觉得好就是对我最好的回答啦!)