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英语翻译Nothing prepares you for the majesty of the great mounta

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:37:43
Nothing prepares you for the majesty of the great mountains rising straight out of the blue water of the fjord.
直译:木有啥(能)让你准备好(直面)从狭湾的海里耸峙而起的 巨大的山峦的庄严.
分析成分:核心句 nothing prepares you for the majesty (A prepares B for C:A让B准备好应对C);great mountains是majesty的定语,rising...是moutains的后置定语从句,相当于moutains which rise straight out...