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英语翻译⑴Isn't Graham Turner speaking to John Smith?⑵Who invited

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 12:25:26
⑴Isn't Graham Turner speaking to John Smith?⑵Who invited Mr.and Mrs.Turner to dinner?⑶What time did Graham Turner say he would be there?⑷Why can't he be there at six o'clock?⑸Graham Turner doesn't know when he will finish work,does he ⑹What does Mr.Turner's wife want to know ⑺Why did Sally's mother decide to take her by train ⑻Who got on the train?⑼How was the lady dressrd?⑽What did the lady do?⑾Why did the lady make up her face ⑿Did Sally think the lady was besutiful?⒀Where does the writer live ⒁Why do visitors often come from the city?⒂What have visitors been asked to do?⒃Where have litter baskets been placed?⑿Where did the writer go last Wendnesday?⒀He saw a lot of rubbish,didn't he?⒁What did he see amno the rubbish?⒂what did the sign say?
1 和John Smith说话的不是Graham Turner吗? 2 谁邀请Mr.and Mrs. Turner去吃晚餐? 3 Graham Turner什么时候说她会在那儿? 4 他为什么6点钟到不了那里? 5 Graham Turner不知道他什么时候能完成工作,是吗? 6 Mr. Turner的妻子想知道什么? 7 为什么Sally的妈妈决定带她坐火车? 8 谁去赶火车? 9 那位女士穿着的如何? 10 那位女士做了什么? 11 那位女士为什么要化妆? 12 Sally认为那位女士很漂亮吗? 13 作者生活在哪里? 14 为什么旅客通常来自于城市? 15 旅客们被要求做什么? 16 那些垃圾楼被放在哪里了? 12 作者上周三去哪里了? 13 他看到了很多垃圾,不是吗? 14 他在垃圾堆中看到什么了? 15 那个标牌上写的什么?