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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 09:25:06
1.achieve one‘s goal(达成目标) connection A wish B(把A和B连接起来) human being(人类) behave well/badly toward sb.(对某人好) behave oneself(举止得体) in the shade(在阴凉处) move off(离开) lead a...life(过着...的生活) crowd in((想法)涌上心头) look down on(瞧不起) refer to(查阅) by chance(碰巧) come across(遇见)carry on(继续,坚持)
2.thanks to(幸亏) rid...of(摆脱) be satisfied with(对...感兴趣) would rather(宁愿) build up(建立,开发) lead to(导致) focus on(集中于)keep...free from/of(使...免受)
3.up to now(直到现在) feel/be content with(对...满足) badly off(缺少的) pick out(挑出) cut out(切断) star in(主演) a sense of humour(幽默感) on this occasion(在这个场合) in the mess(一团糟)
4.defend against(保卫...以免受) be likely to(很可能...) in general(总的来说) at ease(舒适) lose face(丢脸) turn one’s back to(背弃) an approach to(...的方法) the majority(大多数的人)
5.be famous for(以...而闻名) no wonder(难怪) be modelled after(根据...模仿) in advanced(提前) get close to(接近) come to life(活跃起来)
6.put forward(提出) draw a conclusion(得出结论) expose...to(暴露) link...to...(将...和...联系起来) apart from(此外) strict with...(对...严格的) make sense(讲得通) be under construct(在建设中)
7.consist of(由...组成) divide...into(把...分成) break away (from)(挣脱) to one's credit(为...带来荣誉) leave out(省去) take the place of(代替) break down(损坏) with delight(带着快乐)
8.take up(拿起) be back on one's feet(恢复) lose sight of...(看不见...) sweep up(打扫) slide into(移动,溜进) speed up(加速) in a flash(闪了一下) switch A to B(从A转换到B)
9.be delighted to do(快乐的) concentrate on(集中) depend on(依靠) accuse...of(因...指责) so as to (do sth)(为了(做)…) ahead of(在...前面) keep sb informed of(随时告知...) miss a deadline(超期)
10.first aid(急救) fall ill(生病) electric shock(触电) squeeze out(榨出,挤出) over and over again(反复) in place(在适当位置) a number of(若干) put one‘s hands on(找到) make a difference(有影响)