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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/04 05:32:42
When you want to communicate with people and start friendship with them,the first thing you need to look at is your confidence.Most people want to be friends with confident people.Therefore you need to smile to them first when you meet them and try to talk to them.Even though what you said might just be greetings like 'Hello.' Trust me,this will work because after the first time you say to them,they are going to say it back to you next time they see you.By doing this,you then make a good start for your friendship with other people.
The second thing you need to take care is trying to find same or similiar hobbies like what other people may have.When you talk to people,you need to have same topic as theirs.So you need to ask what kind of activities they would like to do after school and try to find something that is similiar to what you do.If there isn't any and you really want to be friend with that person,I would suggest you to develop a new hobby just like his (or hers).
Hope this can help you.
白话文译文言文:我有一个朋友 叫芳慧,她是我的好朋友,她很聪明,很擅长于写作,因此我把她当做我的师傅 英语翻译第二段:我有一个朋友,她的名字叫赵丹.她是一个很可爱的女孩.她和我同班.她擅长音乐和体育,但她不喜欢语文.她最喜 给点建设性的建议我很内向,又有点呆,喜欢上了一个女孩 对她了解不多,见过几次 自我感觉她对我有好感,她知道我是喜欢她的, 我一个朋友和我一样大,要我做她的英语家教,她基础不好,我觉得交朋友好紧张.我该怎样才能教好她?急 一个很好地女生朋友给我发这句话,我不知道她的意图, 英语翻译我叫林林,我有一个笔友,她的名字叫珍妮.她住在英国.她经常给我写英语信.她在信里说她很想来中国,她想去长城.我很 如何写信给英国我的一个英国朋友给我了她的地址.但是有些我看不懂额.MuscliffBournemouth DorsetB 英语翻译一朋友今天给我打电话说要买手机.我建议她买个触屏的,她说不行.我追问为啥,她说脸大的人不能用触屏手机,因为一笑会 我有一个朋友英文名用中文打出来是伊瑶娜,用英文怎么写,读什么?我想用这个给她送贺卡 她到底对我有感觉吗?我喜欢一个女孩子,买东西给她吃她会吃,还说不喜欢我买夜宵给她吃,没人的时候站在一起说话她不走,叫她出 英语翻译我有一个非常好的朋友,她的名字叫张伊琳,她有一双大大的眼睛,樱桃似的嘴巴,非常可爱,长得也比较乖.她擅长英语,这 英语作文假如你有一个美国朋友Linda,请你写一封邮件给她,向她介绍你的中国朋友阳阳和李明,并告诉她他们俩想和她交朋友.