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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 00:22:18
在你的音调离开声带的时候和在口中的时候,是一个传送的过程.在喉咙前面连接的地方-包括定义这些地方的表层条件-强化和增加音波频率,消除或是阻止其他的.这个过程叫做共鸣.物理感觉一个共振产生的副作用,正如我们已经提及到的,是歌手物理感觉的形成.低音就像在你的喉咙和嘴巴,这时候,可以从你的胸中感觉到-这就是胸音.当你唱歌到更高的音时,你的声音(如果你唱的正确)就像离开你的喉咙和嘴巴到达软腭的后面直到最终,从你头的后面消失,这就成为头音.但是你所经历的物理感觉实际上对于听众没有意义.那么这种感觉可以做什么,然而,它可以指导你正确使用你的声音.在训练过程中将会有很多关于物理感觉.本内容由歌者盟( )出品,Vivian翻译,谢绝转载.
In your tone left vocal cord and in the mouth, is a process of transmission. Connecting places in front of the throat - including defining these local surface conditions - strengthen and increase frequency of sound wave, eliminate or prevent other. This process is called a chord. Physical feeling a resonance of side effects, as we have mentioned, is a singer the formation of physical feeling. Bass is like in your throat and mouth, at this time, you can feel from your chest - that's chest. When you sing to a higher sound of your voice (if you sing right) leave you like the back of the throat and mouth to the soft palate until in the end, the back of the head from you, it's become a head voice. But you are experiencing physical feeling, in fact, for the audience does not make sense. So this kind of feeling can do, however, it can guide you to right use of your voice. During the process there will be a lot of feelings about physical training. The content produced by singer au (), Vivian translated, declined reproduced.