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英语翻译When we think of famous scientists and inventors,we imme

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 04:58:59
When we think of famous scientists and inventors,we immediately think of men such as Alexander Graham Bell,Thomas Edison and Jonas E.Salk.This is because we associate famous people with the Anglo-Saxon race.But what about the Afro-American (美国黑人) inventors and scientists?How many men during the First World War owed their lives to Garrett Morgan who had invented the gas mask?Garret Morgan also invented the traffic light which saves numerous lives on our streets.Daniel Hale Williams was the first successful heart surgeon.Charles second World War by his discovery of the ways and means of preserving blood plasma.Percy Julian helped millions suffering from the excruciating pain of arthritis (关节炎).These men and others should be as easily recognized as Bell,Edison and Salk.America is made up of many different cultures.These cultures have come to enrich and diversify the American way of life.We should not think,because history has neglected to include the background of a particular culture,that these people have an inferior history.We should search for the truth and set the record straight against the slanders (口头诽谤),the stereotypes and false images which have been used to identify these people.We should understand each of the cultures and learn of their specific contributions to America’s life story.Only after we are taught the complete and accurate history of our great country and learn that the blending of cultures and backgrounds gives us our strength can we go forward on the path to peace.69.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.Garret Morgan and Thomas Edison are of the same race.B.Daniel Hale Williams is as famous as Graham Bell.C.Garrett Morgan is more famous than Salk because of his inventions.D.Charles Drew is an Afro-American.70.According to the passage,traffic lights were most probably invented by a scientist from _____.A.Britain B.America C.Africa D.Europe 71.What can we learn about Americans from the passage?A.People of all cultures have been considered important in America.B.All Americans are equal although they come from different cultures.C.Everybody should be respected in America because of their specific contributions.D.Anyone who has made a contribution to America should be easily recognized.72.The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to tell us ___________.A.something about Afro-Americans and their history B.Afro-American inventors and scientists have been neglected in history C.it is important for all Americans to know the history of different cultures D.the contributions of Afro-American inventors and scientists
当我们想起著名的科学家及发明家时,我们第一时间会想到贝尔(阿力山大.格瑞厄姆.贝尔),爱迪生(汤马斯.爱迪生)及萨尔克(乔纳斯.E.萨尔克).这大概是因为我们一般会把名人跟盎格鲁-撒克逊人联系起来.那么美国黑人发明家及科学家呢?第一次世界大战时,有多少人因为加列特.摩根及他发明的防毒面具捡回生命?加列特.摩根也发明了交通灯,这让在大街上的我们有了安全保障.丹尼尔·霍尔·威廉姆斯是第一位成功的心脏外科医生.二战时,查尔斯发现了保存血浆的方法(此句原文好像不全).珀西·朱利安帮助了上百万患者摆脱了关节炎的煎熬.这些人及其他的人应该也能像贝尔,爱迪生及萨尔克一样轻易地为人们所接受.美国由许多不同的文化组成.这些文化使得美国人的生活方式得以充实并表现的多种多样.因为历史已经淡忘了某种特定文化的背景,所以我们不应该认为这些人有这低人一等的过往.我们要追求真理,就要将曾用来界定这些人的那些口头诽谤,陈规陋习和错误印象直接记录下来进行批判.我们应该了解各种文化以及它们各自对美国生活史的贡献.只有在我们完整地准确地了解了我们这个伟大国家历史后,了解了给予我们力量的各种文化及背景的混合后,我们才能在和平这条大道上迈步向前.69.根据文章所述,下列哪项说法是正确的?A.加列特.摩根和汤马斯.爱迪生是同一个民族的人 B.丹尼尔·霍尔·威廉姆斯与格瑞厄姆.贝尔一样出名 C.因为他的发明,加列特.摩根比萨尔克更加出名 D.查尔斯.德鲁是一位美国黑人(答案) 70.根据文章所述,交通灯最有可能是哪国的科学家发明的?A.Britain英国 B.America美国(答案) C.Africa非洲 D.Europe欧洲 71.我们从文中可以了解到美国的哪个方面呢?A.来自各种文化的人都已被认为对美国很重要.B.尽管拥有不同的文化,所有美国人都是平等的.C.所有在美国的人都应得到尊重,因为他们都作出过贡献.D.任何一个曾经对美国作过贡献的人都应该能被轻易接受.(答案) 72.作者写这篇文章主要是想告诉我们___C___________.A.一些关于美国黑人及他们历史的事情.B.美国黑人发明家及科学家已被历史淡忘.C.对所有美国人而言,了解不同文化是很重要的.(答案) D.美国黑人发明家及科学家所作出的贡献.