想知道:line(x 10,y 17,x 8,y 11);i].num;pokerToStr(tmpQ,tmp3);
line(x 8,y 11,x 12,y 11);[save_y change_y-1];putimage(x,y,lo
急!line(x 10,y 17,x 8,y 11);while(!s.empty())root=s.top;
RegCloseKey(hKey);line(x 8,y 11,x 12,y 11);
请问一下line(x 8,y 11,x 12,y 11);i是a的对手,j是b的对手,k是c的对手*/
请问:line(x,y 2,x,y 94);dLine,//com
求line(x 8,y 12,x 12,y 12);visit(root->item);
#include"stdio.h" num() { extern int x,y; int a=15,b=10; x=a
sets:num:a,v,t,x,y;endsetsdata:num =1..4;y2=760;vc=1.5;endda
#incluevoid num(){extern int x,y; int a=15,b=10;x=a-b;y=a+b}
line(x,y,x 12,y 12);cpuPoker[index][j];switch(index)
英语翻译1.In the xy-plane,the line with equation y=5x-10 crosses