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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 16:53:15
Both parties must be competent.The law gives to certain classes of people only a limited capacity to enter into contracts.These are minors,the insane,and the intoxicated.In most states,people so classified can make agreements only for the necessities of life:food,clothing,shelter,and medical care.
If a store sells a mentally incometent man a TV set on credit,the installment purchase agreement is not a valid contract and the store must bear any losses incurred.A hospital that gives this same person emergency treatment on credit,however,is entitled to payment.
There is little variation among states on the matter of contracts with the drunk of insane,but minors are a special category.The age of majority is established by state law.In most states it is eighteen;in some,it is twenty-one.In addition,many states have adopted the Uniform Minor Student Capacity to Borrow Act.This law allows a lender possesses a statement indicating that the borrower has been accepted for enrollment at a specific school.
240842921 对,是打错了,谢谢啊~你翻得很好,拜托你了哦~
各个州之间在醉酒者和精神病人订立合同的问题上几乎没有差别,但是未成年人是一个特殊类别.成年的年龄界限是由各个州自行颁布法律规定的.在多数州,法定年龄是18岁;在某些州,是21岁.另外很多州采用Uniform Minor Student Capacity to Borrow Act(是一部规定未成年人、学生在借贷行为中的行为能力的法案和统一标准,具体的中文名字我不知道).这一法律允许债权人持有一份表明债务人已在某所特定学校注册的声明.