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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/19 07:07:01

When and where were you born?
(Here,in 1960。)

Did you have a happy childhood?
(Yes,I did。)

what were your best subjects at school?
(Art。I always loved drawing and making things,and I was good at English too。)

What did you do when you left school?
(I went to university in London, to study law, but I hated it。I gave it up one year later。)

What did you do then?
(I got a job in a shop, selling clothes。Then I started designing some of the clothes。)

Did you keep that job?
(No。I decided to study design。I studied at an art college for three years。)

Did you return to Guangzhou after that?
(Yes。I came back here and worked in a clothing company for four years,designing clothes。)

And then you started your own company?
(That’s right。I saved up my money and started my own company。At first it was very small。)

How big is your company now?
(Well,we have our own factory in Dongguan,ten shops in Guangzhou,and two in Shanghai。)
I was born in 1960 here, and I have a happy childhood. My best subject is art. I always loved drawing and making things,and I was good at English too. When I left school, I went to university in London, to study law, but I hated it. I gave it up one year later。
Then I got a job in a shop, selling clothes. Then I started designing some of the clothes. I decided to study design. I studied at an art college for three years. Then I came back here and worked in a clothing company for four years,designing clothes. Then, I saved up my money and started my own company。At first it was very small. Well,now we have our own factory in Dongguan,ten shops in Guangzhou,and two in Shanghai.
I plan to continue to develop it.