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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 18:15:48
他们刚在这个小山村刚定居(settle)下来,就发现这儿和他们所了解的完全不一样(disagree).他们在日常生活中经历了(suffer)痛苦;由于不能理解当地方言(local dialect),他们和当地人们交流(communicate)时有很大的困难(have great trouble in doing…).但是他们从来没有厌烦(get tired of)学习,并积极的地参加(take an active part in)各项活动.逐渐地,他们发现和那儿的孩子相处(get along with)是件十分愉快的事情(find it pleasant to do…).
Once they settled down in this small villate, they realized that the things here disagreed with what they had learned about here before. They suffered a lot in their daily lives because they couldn't understand the local dialect. As a result, they have great trouble in communicating with local people. However, they never got tired of studying. They also took an active part in all kinds of different activities. Gradually, they found it pleasant to get along with the children there.