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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 00:19:23
英文里也有洗耳的说法 to cleanse one’s ears,但这是许由的洗耳,目的是洗掉不愿意听的话:
After returning home from the meeting,I put on a favorite CD of mine,and cleansed my ears of the noise pollution.
“洗耳恭听” 是说“认真恭敬地听”.,英语习语 to be all ears 很相近,
He was all ears when his boss talked.
He said he was all ears and gave me 10 minutes to voice my opinion.
第二句话的 all ears,我翻为“洗耳恭听”; But it’s a stretch (其实有些勉强); the idiom only means “to listen attentively”.If it's “认真恭敬地听” you want,you have to do it yourself (DIY 自己动手).There are many ways to say so.Here are a few that come to mind; take your pick:(说法很多,信手拈来几个,任君挑选)
listen courteously and attentively
listen respectfully and attentively
listen obediently and attentively
listen devotedly and attentively
listen reverently and attentively
listen earnestly and attentively