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任务型阅读.请根据 任务型阅读.请根据材料内容,按照要求完成各题.      H

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 13:59:31
     Hi!Let me tell you something about our computer room.In my school,there is a big computer room.
It is bright and clean.(1) There is a teacher and forty-eight students in it now .There are fifty desks in it.
(2) Two desks _____ big and _____ desks are small.The big desks are for our computer teachers.The
small desks are for us students.There are fifty computers in the room.There are some signs on the wall.
They tell us some rules (规则) in the computer room.Our teachers here are very friendly to us.We like
our computer room very much.
1.将( 1 ) 句译成汉语.
2.在( 2 ) 句空白处填入合适的词,使句意完整通顺.
    _____; _____
3.What's on the wall?
4.在文章中找出 "Our computer teachers are very polite ." 的同义句.
1.(现在) 电脑房 (微机房) 里有一个老师和四十八个学生.
2. are;  forty-eight  
3.There are some signs (on the wall/it).
4. Our teachers here are very friendly to us.
5. Let me tell you something about our computer room.