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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 18:50:24
总的来说,if 引导的从句有三种用法1.用于真实条件句例如:If you are at home,I will go to see you.If you work hard at it,you can get success.表示,只要按这样得条件去做,结果是肯定的.2.用于虚拟条件句例如:If I were you,I wouldn't go there.If the sun rose from the west,I would call you Dad.表示,条件是假设的,不真实的,因此,其结果也是不可能实现的.注意句中谓语有所变化3.用于名词性从句,意思等于whether or not 表是否之意.例如:It doesn't matter if you go to attend the meeting.你是否参加会议没关系.