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适当形式填空说明为什么1my grandpa spends an hour(exercise)every morning

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 21:55:02
适当形式填空说明为什么1my grandpa spends an hour(exercise)every morning2i'm
sitting by the river and watching the boys(swim)3(get)to the park on time i must get up every early4do you enjoy(listen)to music5the works isn't difficult i can finish it(easy)
1 exercising ( spend ...doing sth )
2 swimming ( watch ...doing sth)
3 To get 不定式作目的状语‘ 为了到达……
4 listening ( enjoy doing sth)
5 easily 副词修饰动词