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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 08:46:44
3.I,too,decided to go forth ( ) he had done and do battle with the enemy.
A.when B.as C.since D.while
4.She ( ) all her clothes.
A.dose B.did C.makes D.sets
7.His actions showed a ( ) of reason.
A.lack B.lacking C.lacks D lacked
10.He bought three ( ) bottles of wine.
A.dozens B.dozen of C.dozen D.dozens of
13.The drawer won't pull ( ).
A.out B.in C.through D.with
15.Man will challenge many unexpected thorn in his ( ) for truth.
A.quest B.require C.pursuit D.explore
17.- I hear you have got a ticket ___ the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics
- Yes,I got it ______ my uncle.
A.of,from B.to,from C in to D at for
19.The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler than ______ in Shanghai.
A.it B.that C this D which
23.A week has passed.It ( ) that Michael is ( ) quiet ( ) with his colleagues.
A looks get on good B seems gets on well
C looks getting on good D seems getting on well
24.I am looking for my Employee Handbook.
---Oh,I have a copy ( ) my desk.( ) free to take it if you need it.
A at Feeling B in \
C at Feel D on \
29.Can I have a 25% ( ---That’s already the( ) price.
A of sell B discount sale
C off sell D of sales
D 表”正当“,正当他与歹徒搏斗告一段落的时候,我决定出去与他并肩作战.
D 应该是与put on类似的,但是这里表示已经整装待发.
A a lack of = lacking of
B 前面有three这个数词,于是dozen应该直接用这个形式,表示”打",也就是12个的意思.
C 表示“拽不出去”,可能是有前后文关联,要通过什么地方吧大概.
D 表示“追寻”.人们在追寻真相的时候…………
B A TICKET TO表示这个票对应什么地方,后面那个FROM代表从谁那里获得.
B THAN后面的代词表示的是前面夏日的天气,因此应该用THAT这个特定词,而不是IT这个普通的代词.
D IT SEEMS THAT短语表示“看起来”,表一种肯定猜测.而后GET ON WELL WITH表示的则是与什么相处融洽或者过的好这样的说法.
D 翻人书桌是不礼貌的,而且是员工手册,一般来讲,办公室员工不会只有一个抽屉,因此只能是放在桌子上才能让人很方便地拿到.后面的FREE TO TAKE……则是口语用法了,省略了主语YOU'RE
B 前面代表折扣,后面则是说刚才的价位已经是批发价了,不能再便宜了.