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英语翻译Except the detailed digit of money,there is another fact

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 23:36:41
Except the detailed digit of money,there is another factor which has a great influence on marriage.That is social position determined by economic condition.In the story,the Bennets have some low connections.They have one uncle,Mr.Phillips,being an attorney in Meryton,and another one,Mr.Gardiner,settling in London in a respectable line of trade.As for this,Miss Bingley always makes fun of the Bennets,and Mr.Darcy once says frankly that “it must very materially lessen their chance of marrying men of any consideration in the world.”(12)
To make it clear that money is very important in the marriage convention of such kind of society,Mr.Collins’ words after Elizabeth refusing his proposal can be taken as proof.
“… It does not appear to me that my hand is unworthy your acceptance,or that establishment I can offer would be any other than highly desirable.My situation in life,my connections with the family of de Bourgh,and my relationship to your own,are circumstances highly in my favor; and you should take it into further consideration,that in spite of your manifold attractions,it is by no means certain that another offer to marriage may ever be made you,your portion is unhappily so small,that it will in all likelihood undo the effects of your loveliness and amiable qualifications.”(13)
除详细数字的金钱,还有另一个因素有很大影响婚姻.这是由社会地位经济状况.在这个故事,有一些低bennets相亲.他们都有一个叔叔,菲利普斯先生是一名律师在meryton,另有一、加德纳先生,定居在伦敦一个体面的贸易路线.至于本小姐bingley总是bennets的乐趣,而Darcy先生曾坦言,"必须减轻他们的机会非常重大任何男人考虑结婚的世界" (12)说清楚,钱是很重要的婚姻公约这类社会 柯林斯先生的话,拒绝他的建议后伊丽莎白可以作为证据."::似乎没有我,我的手是愧对你接受,我看还是成立将提供比其他任何理想.我的生活状况,我与家人去bourgh,关系到我自己,我非常赞同的情况; 你们应该照顾到进一步审议,尽管如此,你流景点 它并非一定要结婚,另提供可你绝对不能让步,你这么开心,是小部分,它很有可能会影响你再走可亲可爱和资历."(13)