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英文歌Bieeding Love的中文翻译

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 17:02:05
英文歌Bieeding Love的中文翻译
文章来源:http://www.longevitys.com/n1617298c33.aspx Bleeding Love 曾经关闭爱的心扉 我不再需要痛苦 一次两次已经足够 一切都是徒劳无助 时光开始流逝 不觉间自己冰封凝固 呜… 但当我第一次跟你在一起 有些事情就不由自主 我的心冰雪消融 发现有些真实如初 每个人都对我侧目 认为我是执迷不悟 但我不管他们怎么说 爱你的河我已坠入 他们竭力要拉回我 但他们不知道真相残酷 我血脉膨胀心在抽搐 我一直在关闭心扉 你却破门而入 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 你破门而入 呜… 呜… 我试着不去听他们说 但他们却大声疾呼 刺耳的声音充满我的耳朵 试图把我说服 虽然我知道他们的目的 是让我不要失足 嘿,呀!但什么力量都爱莫能助 那种冲动来自被你拥抱住 我看着你的脸 沉浸在这世界的孤独 虽然周围的每个人 都认为我是执迷不悟 也许,也许 但我不管他们怎么说 爱你的河我已坠入 他们竭力要拉回我 但他们不知道真相残酷 我血脉膨胀心在抽搐 我一直在关闭心扉 你却破门而入 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 你破门而入 我血流如注 啊,他们都觉得不可理喻 我将这样遍体鳞伤 让大家不忍目睹 但我不管他们怎么说 爱你的河我已坠入 他们竭力要拉回我 但他们不知道真相残酷 我血脉膨胀心在抽搐 我一直在关闭心扉 你却破门而入 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 你破门而入 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 我血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 你破门而入 而我就血流止不住 止不住,流血的爱止不住 附英文歌词:Bleeding Love Leona Lewis Closed off from love I didn't need the pain Once or twice was enough And it was all in vain Time starts to pass Before you know it you're frozen Ooooh...But something happened For the very first time with you My heart melted into the ground Found something true And everyone's looking 'round Thinking I'm going crazy Chorus:But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep,keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love You cut me open Oooh,oooh...Trying hard not to hear But they talk so loud Their piercing sounds fill my ears Try to fill me with doubt Yet I know that their goal Is to keep me from falling Hey,yeah!But nothing's greater Than the rush that comes with your embrace And in this world of loneliness I see your face Yet everyone around me Thinks that I'm going crazy Maybe,maybe Chorus:But I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep,keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love You cut me open And it's draining all of me Oh they find it hard to believe I'll be wearing these scars For everyone to see I don't care what they say I'm in love with you They try to pull me away But they don't know the truth My heart's crippled by the vein That I keep on closing You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep,keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love I keep bleeding I keep,keep bleeding love Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love You cut me open and I Keep bleeding Keep,keep bleeding love