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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 06:33:23
类似 春眠/不觉/晓 (语气) 是嘛∨! 是吗∧? 这样
Praise is like sunlight to the human spirit;
we cannot flower and grow without it.
And yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism.
we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.
如果能发录音给我发200分 谢谢~ zxc1330老鼠126点com
↓Praise ↑is ↑like ↓sun↑light ↓to ↑the ↓hu↑man ↓spi↑rit;
↑we ↓can↑not ↓flower ↑and ↓grow ↑with↓out ↑it.
↑And ↓yet, ↑while ↓most ↑of ↓us ↑are ↓on↑ly ↓too ↑ready ↑to ↑a↓pply ↑to ↓o↑thers ↑the ↑cold ↓wind ↑of ↑cri↓ticism.
↑we ↑are ↓some↑how ↑re↓luc↑tant ↑to ↓give ↑our ↓fe↑llows ↑the ↓warm ↓sun↑shine ↑of ↓praise.
再问: 你有点不太明白我的意思。。
we are somehow/ reluctant to give/ our fellows/ the warm sunshine /of praise 这个应该是比较接近的.
再答: Praise is like /sunlight/ to the /human spirit;
we cannot /flower and /grow /without it.
And yet, while /most of us /are only too ready/ to apply to others /the cold wind of criticism.
we are somehow /reluctant /to give our fellows /the warm sunshine /of praise.
再问: 谢谢~