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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:30:39
1.If weather permit, we will go to the park tomorrow.=如果天气好的话,明天我们去公园。 2.If only he had known about it!=他那时要是知道这件事该多好! 3. don't know if he'll make it.=我不知他是否能挺过去。 4.If anything fell out amiss, they would reconsider it.=如果有什么不妥,他们会重新考虑这件事的。 5.What do they sell, if anything?=如果他们做销售,销售什么? 6. What, if anything, is a computer?=电脑究竟是什么? 7.She would not have escaped the danger, if not for my help.=要不是我帮忙,她就逃不过那一险. 8. If not for our first "Hello"=假如没有我们没有说出第一声“你好” 9.If not for u, someone may not be aliving.=如果不是为了你,也许某个人不会活在这个世上。 10.If necessary, re-read it again.=如有需要,可再念一遍。 其他答案(5) If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the park .如果明天天气好的话,我们去公园。热心网友 2009年02月2If you are hungry, you can go to the restaunart.Muriel 2 “if”这个单词单独解释会是什么意思?回答 6用tour这个单词造句回答 217用die这个英语单词造句回答 125用问问APP,找答案更方便!立即下载 相关搜索 英语单词if造句英语单词造句 如果if用含if的单词造句问题没解决?向网友提问吧新手开网店,轻松月赚万元!免费建站,货源,一台电脑24小..搜狗问问 - 搜狗首页© 2015 SOGOU.COM
再问: 英语作文!!
再答: 好吧,sorry
再答: If I can be a mayor of this city, I will do many things that is good for the people here, such as I'll put more trash cabinet to let everyone be easier to put their rubbish instead of puting them everywhere. I'll ask people to seperate the rubbish into different cabinet, one side is for recycling and one side is for unrecyclble.I'll control the price of the house so that most of the people can offer it so that they need not to rent the narrow room.I'll creat more job chance for the local people and unlocal people and let everybody feels that they are happy in our city.ok?
再问: 看不懂
再答: 关于未来梦想的作文
再问: 可以再简写一点吗?
再答: 如果我能成为这个城市的市长,我会做很多事,是这里的人很好的,比如我会把更多的垃圾箱让人很容易把他们的垃圾,而不是将他们无处不在。我会叫人把垃圾放入不同的内阁,一边回收一边是unrecyclble。我会控制房子的价格让大多数人可以使他们不需要租的小房间里。我会为当地居民创造更多的就业和外地的人机会,让大家觉得我们city.ok他们快乐吗?
再问: 额
再答: 金山词霸翻的
再问: 哦哦
再问: 你的回答完美的解决了我的问题,谢谢!
再答: 噢,还有一篇是写老师。要么
再问: 要
再答: If I become a teacher I want to be a teacher when I grow up. If I become a teacher,I'll try my best to teach my students well. In the class, I'll be strict with them. After class,I'll play with them. If they are in need, I'll help them.I'm sure I'll be a good friend of them and a good teacher.I hope I'll be a teacher when I grow up. I believe there is nothing difficult in the world if you put your heart into it .Do you believe me?
再答: 如果我成为一名教师 长大后我想成为一名教师。如果我成为一名教师,我会尽我最大的努力教好我的学生。在课堂上,我会严格要求他们。下课后,我会和他们一起玩。如果有需要,我会帮助他们的。我确信我会是一个好朋友,一个好老师。我希望我长大后会成为一个老师。我相信世上无难事,如果你把你的心。你相信我吗?
再问: 谢谢
再答: 不用