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谁有"自己做的英语广告作业 德芙"里面的对白?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/01 20:50:11
谁有"自己做的英语广告作业 德芙"里面的对白?
Some paper are rolled into ball and throwed on the floor(一些纸被揉成团扔在地上),a boy is composing a song,(原来是个男生在写歌),he throw the paper which he was writting as before(他把正在写的一张又一次扔掉)the song bothered him, he can't compose a song to satisfied himself(歌困扰着他,因为他创作不出令自己满意的作品),
the bell is ringing, who's that?(门铃响了,是谁啊?)
he open the door(他打开门)
there are something on the floor(咦?地上有东西)
Ah~ a box of Dove chocolate(哈~一盒德芙巧克力)
and a piece of paper said...(和一张纸条,上面写着……)
I always know you are the best one, just come on and find the melody of your soul. --- always love you.(我知道你是最棒的,加油,用灵感去寻找旋律吧!——一直爱着你的人)
he is smiling jiust because of this(他因此微笑了)
now he find the most beautiful molody in his life(现在他找到了生活中最美的旋律)
——you are the music in me.(你就是我的的音乐).