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英译汉!英文文献!Among the 200 participating colleges are Bryn Mawr,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/03 08:31:27
Among the 200 participating colleges are Bryn Mawr,Illinois State University,Merrimack College,Rutgers University,the US Naval Academy and Temple University.Unfortunately,Rafter said via e-mail,college guidance counselors in Beijing,Oman and Kenya who have expressed interest won't be able to participate because their Internet connection is too slow - broadband access is recommended.
Thirty years ago,Rafter said,"I was an American high school student living with my parents in Rome,Italy.While I ultimately attended a US university - let me tell you,back then communicating with/applying to colleges in New England and the West Coast [from Italy] was a pain and campus visits even more of a chore."
Besides the online chats and video interface - which today's 18-year-olds largely find second nature - CollegeWeekLive is taking advantage of yet another technology skill that is increasingly common among high school students:amateur video.Students can submit for prize money their own YouTube-like videos that describe their efforts to get into college.
That alone might be enough to get my niece away from the computer screen long enough to think about colleges.
Fighting cybercrime
Milton Mueller,a Syracuse University information studies professor and partner in the Internet Governance Project,recently took on a new assignment at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.The three-year research position was created by the Dutch Internet service provider XS4ALL.
In his new role,Mueller and the Internet Governance Project are now taking note of work being done by the Council of Europe to,as they describe it,"criminalize political expression."
The council wants to impose criminal sanctions on what it considers unacceptable forms of political or religious expression by extending the coverage of the Cybercrime Convention,according to the IGP.
"Web site content that is insulting or xenophobic is a cybercrime of the same order" as hacking into computers and computer-based fraud,the group says.
其中200名参加学院布林莫尔,伊利诺州州立大学,梅里马克大学,Rutgers大学,美国海军学院和庙university.unfortunately ,拉夫特说,通过电子邮件,学院辅导在北京,阿曼和肯尼亚的人都表示有兴趣韩元'吨能够参加,因为他们的网际网路连线速度太慢-宽带接入的建议.
三十年前,拉夫特说:“我是美国高中学生的生活与我的父母在罗马,意大利.虽然我最终参加了美国的大学-让我告诉你,回,然后沟通/适用于高校在新英格兰和西海岸[由意大利]是一个痛苦和校园访问,甚至更多的苦差事“ .
除了网上聊天室和视频接口-今天的1 8岁,主要是寻找第二性质- co llegeweeklive是趁又一技术技能,这是越来越普遍,其中高中学生:业余vi deo.students可以提交奖金自己的Y o uTube -喜欢的影片,描述他们的努力获得进入大学.
米尔顿米勒,锡拉丘兹大学信息研究的教授和合作伙伴在互联网治理项目,最近采取了一项新的任务,并于代尔夫特科技大学,在netherlands.the为期3年的研究立场,是由荷兰的互联网服务提供商xs4all .
在他的新角色,穆勒和互联网治理项目现正注意到正在做的工作是由欧洲理事会,因为他们形容,“刑事化的政治表达” .