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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 21:45:23
得到他人直接或见接的道歉.直接道歉往往在平辈之间,或位卑与位尊者之间,而间接道歉,则在位尊与位卑者之间.后者尤其具有中国文化的特点.如《红楼梦》中,贾赫要强娶鸳鸯,贾母得知后非常生气,将一旁的望夫人训了一顿,最后得知与王夫人无关,但是碍于面子,不 好直接道歉,让宝玉给其跪下.宝玉说“太太别委屈了,老太太上了年纪了,你就看者宝玉吧”.王夫人本来觉得很失面子,但是经过这么一说,又觉得增面不少.
China is Liyizhibang,at the ceremony that system.I force people respect,I respect people Yi Zhang.Respect for others,to others face,is also necessary to maintain their dignity in front of others.Chinese word-him,especially with regard to respect that the word has been banished King,to others face,the face has its own principles.These words are:younger people.Bei Zhi,senior Zhuoxian,read,and so on.
A success.As an ancient saying goes:10% to Wang,losers Kou.The success can Chenwangchengba,called wind-rain,the failure of people being ridiculed,were abandoned.Chuhan war,although Wei Meng Xiang Yu incomparable,but the Guijiduoduan Dibu Guo Liu Bang,the last under the New Bingbai.Wu Yan consciously see Jiangdong elders,died last Ziwen,this is Siyaomianzai.But his heroic act,successfully conquered the people,as he left the Millennium illustrious names.
Directly or by others to see the apology.Pingbei often in direct apology,or between Weibei and place between the Venerable,and the indirect apology,respect and power between the Weibei.The latter in particular has the characteristics of Chinese culture.Such as "A Dream of Red Mansions",Jia He married stronger Yuanyang,Gu Mu was informed that after a very angry,his wife will look the side of the training of the meal,the last that has nothing to do with Ms.Wang,but due to face,not a direct apology,Let Baoyu to its kneel.Baoyu said,"Do not wronged wife,the old lady on the age,you look at those Baoyu it." Ms.Wang was really lost face,but one that after all these,many feel that by surface.
Loss of face to the other side to restore its reputation.In the past,for example sub-Dream of Red Mansions.Bao Dai Er people make the Bieniu,Baoyu Daiyu would like to apologize,do not accept Daiyu,yu can not,well aware of jealousy Daiyu-Cha,Cha was to scoff at Po said ":It is no wonder that their sister than Yang Fei,her original HSBC-span."Cha-lost face,Borandanu.Daiyu was asked what she saw at the show,she said that I see the hunger is Li Kui scolded SONG Jiang and later Pei Bushi.Baoyu Youxiao she did not know Najiao Fujingqingzui.Bao Cha retorted "You Bogutongjin only know Fujingqingzui" sentence,Bao Dai Er ashamed of the people have nothing to say.Bao Cha also the psychological balance slightly,to restore the face